Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tarantino's Head: Village Voice interview

Quentin Tarantino is one of a handful of directors whose every movie amounts to a major event in the world of cinema.

Inglourious Basterds is no exception.

The filmmaker -- still brash, still strikingly original -- opens up to Village Voice writer Ella Taylor in a feature interview published last week.

On his favorite movies of all time: "I can tell you now. This got picked up on from [your] piece for the next five years, those top three in particular: Taxi Driver, Blow Out, and Rio Bravo. I've changed. I know I was cagey about it before, but my favorite movie of all time is The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. That's the best movie ever made. I can't even imagine myself doing better; that's how much I love it. I would also throw His Girl Friday in there. The fifth will always be however I feel at the moment. So I'll throw in Carrie, give De Palma a shout-out."

Here's the long Q&A.

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